
crooked stick (牧羊者的)曲把手棍;頑固分子,頑梗的人。


The name hockey probably derives from the french hocquet , or shepherd ' s crook , and refers to the crooked stick 曲棍球“ hockey ”的名字大概來源于法語中的“ hocquet ” ,意識是“牧羊人的彎棍” ,特指帶彎頭的木棍。

That bit of haw - haw has borrowed a swallow tail coat and a crooked stick 那個花花公子借來了一件燕尾服和一到彎柄手杖。

A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow 身不正,影必斜。

Hitting a ball with a crooked stick , 用一支彎曲的球棒打一個球

A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow 身不正,每日一句名言,影必斜。